Councilmember Cook raises alarm over eviction impacts on elders, advocating for public housing solutions. The council also debates a major zoning change for a new residential project, emphasizing walkability and affordable housing. Additionally, an economic development incentive for a local funeral home sparks discussions on community impact and historic inequities. 24mins
Original Meeting
Video Notes
Welcome to the Durham City Council meeting for Jan 21, 2025.
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Call to Order
Moment of Silent Meditation
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Ceremonial Item - National Mentoring Month Proclamation
Announcements by Council
Priority Items by the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk
Consent Agenda
General Business Agenda
1. Durham Planning Commission - Appointment
5. Partners for Reentry Opportunities in Workforce Development (PROWD) Grant Cooperative Agreement – Eckerd Youth Alternatives, Inc. d.b.a Eckerd Connects
General Business Agenda - Public Hearings
14. Zoning Map Change - 3112 South Alston Avenue
15. Zoning Map Change – Brickworks
16. Zoning Map Change – Davis Park West
17. Five-Year (FY2025-2030) Consolidated Plan & FY2025-2026 Annual Action Plan Public “Needs” Hearing
18. Public Hearing and Economic Development Incentive Agreement with Ellis D. Jones and Sons, Inc.
Other Matters