Springfield Council OKs Procedures for Filling Executive Vacancies

The council passes an ordinance on filling executive vacancies and rejects proposed amendments to the measure in the wake of the controversial resignation of former Clerk Frank Lesko. Concerns are voiced about the resignation of the Tree Commission. 23mins

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Original Meeting

Theresa Grimaldi Olsen
Springfield Illinois
Theresa Grimaldi Olsen is a freelance journalist, writer and teacher. Her work has appeared in several Illinois newspapers and magazines including the State Journal Register in Springfield, Ill., Peoria, the Chicago Tribune. and Illinois Issues. She also has worked in public relations and fundraising for non-profit organizations and taught journalism at Illinois State University and Bradley University.
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In This Video
  • Alderman Hanauer moves to bring agenda item 2024-540 out of committee for debate. The motion passes, and the item is discussed and passed without opposition. 
  • Discussion on agenda item 2025-027 regarding the appointment procedure to fill vacancies in executive positions. Alderwoman Conley expresses concerns about the time it takes to fill these positions. 
  • Alderwoman Conley suggests considering an interim appointment to fill executive positions temporarily. She discusses the potential impact of a three-week vacancy and seeks input from other communities' practices. 
  • Alderwoman Notariano explains that the procedure is based on Springfield's consent decree. Corporation Counsel clarifies the role of the mayor Pro Tem and the possibility of interim appointments for other positions. 
  • Alderwoman Purchase and Alderman Gregory propose an amendment to include deputy positions in the ordinance for interim authority. The amendment is discussed and supported by several aldermen. 
  • Alderman Gregory and Alderman Donelan propose an amendment to include the Deputy Treasurer and Deputy Clerk in the ordinance. Mayor Buscher confirms the amendment and asks for any discussion. 
  • Alderman Hanauer raises concerns about the absence of a deputy clerk and the potential issues if both the clerk and deputy leave. Treasurer Redpath discusses the implications of administration changes on deputy positions. 
  • Alderwoman Conley and Alderman Gregory discuss the flexibility needed in the ordinance to allow for council appointments if necessary, ensuring all options are exhausted before council involvement. 
  • Corporation Counsel outlines additional language for the ordinance, including provisions for interim appointments and restrictions on interim appointees becoming permanent. Alderwoman Purchase and others discuss the implications. 
  • Treasurer Redpath seeks clarification on the eligibility of a deputy treasurer to become the treasurer. Corporation Counsel confirms the deputy can serve as interim and be eligible for the permanent position. 
  • A roll call vote is conducted on the amendment, which fails. Mayor Buscher moves the discussion to the ordinance itself, with Alderman Donelan first to speak. 
  • Mayor Buscher introduces the ordinance discussion, and Alderman Donelan begins his comments on the ordinance language, expressing concerns about the 2/3 majority vote requirement and suggesting changes to Section 2. 
  • Alderman Donelan continues his discussion, questioning the criteria for the ordinance and suggesting simplification by referencing the consent decree. 
  • Mayor Buscher invites Alderman Gregory, a sponsor, to speak. Alderman Gregory expresses support for Alderman Donelan's suggestion. 
  • Alderwoman Purchase shares her thoughts, expressing dissatisfaction with the amendment process and supporting a collective approach. 
  • Alderwoman Notariano and Alderman Donelan discuss working with Corporation Council to draft a revised amendment. 
  • Alderman Carlson and others discuss the possibility of holding the ordinance for two weeks to refine it further. 
  • Alderman Hanauer and others discuss the timeline for stepping down from office and the need for clear procedures. 
  • Alderwoman Notariano and Corporation Counsel work on drafting the amendment language, focusing on publication of eligibility criteria. 
  • Corporation Counsel provides detailed language for the proposed amendment, and the council discusses and votes on the amendment. 
  • Alderman Carlson expresses concerns about the ordinance process, suggesting a motion to hold the ordinance in committee, which is ultimately not passed. 
  • The council votes on the ordinance as amended, with the motion passing. The next agenda item is introduced. 
  • Alderman Rockford raises concerns about letters sent to residents regarding sidewalk shoveling. Director Posey explains the process and the city's response to complaints. 
  • Alderman Williams inquires about the resignation of the entire Tree Commission and the status of a grant they were involved with. Director Posey explains the situation with the grant and the commission's resignation. 
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