In This Video
  • Mayor Buscher introduces agenda item 2024-231 regarding amendments to liquor licenses and permits. 
  • Alderman Hanauer clarifies the implications of the ordinance for bar licenses and thanks the Mayor for the compromise. 
  • Alderman Gregory asks about the implementation timeline of the ordinance changes. 
  • Alderman Williams inquires about the impact of the ordinance on the State Fair, with Mayor Buscher clarifying the timeline. 
  • Mayor Buscher confirms no other alderpersons have signed up to speak on the amendment and proceeds to a roll call vote, which passes with 9 votes in favor and 1 against. 
  • Alex Stegman speaks first, expressing appreciation for the compromise and the collaborative effort. 
  • Jasmine Milam, a veteran and local resident, speaks about the importance of nightlife for shift workers and the LGBTQ community, emphasizing the impact of the ordinance on safe spaces. 
  • Kurt Wisener, a long-time resident, discusses the sudden impact of the ordinance on businesses and the importance of nightlife for shift workers and the LGBTQ community. 
  • Matthew Malden shares his personal experiences and the importance of laws based on facts rather than fear, expressing concerns about the impact of the ordinance on the community. 
  • Matthew Malden shares the importance of laws based on facts rather than fear, expressing concerns about the impact of the ordinance on the community. 
  • Patrick Walsh speaks about the noise and disturbances caused by bars near his residence, expressing his desire for a quieter environment and better living conditions for residents of Saint Nicholas Apartments. 
  • Sheila Ryan speaks about the importance of late bar openings for the vitality of downtown Springfield and shares her personal experience of feeling safe living downtown. 
  • Justin Rebbe, co-owner of Click, expresses gratitude for the compromise reached regarding bar hours and thanks the council for listening to concerns. 
  • Jonathan Clark, an employee at the Alamo, speaks about the impact of bar hour restrictions on his job and the downtown area, emphasizing the need for community discussion. 
  • Barry Friedman discusses the economic impact of bar hour restrictions on downtown Springfield, highlighting the importance of late-night bars for attracting people to the area. 
  • John O'riordan, owner of Celtic Mist, speaks about the impact of the proposed changes on his business and the hospitality industry. 
  • Deborah Poole, co-owner of Unique's Bar and Grill, expresses concerns about the impact of the proposed changes on 3:00 AM bars and public safety, emphasizing the issue of pop-up parties. 
  • Sarah Jacobs, a resident, expresses concerns about the transparency of the City Council's decision-making process and the impact on small businesses. 
  • Alderman Williams speaks, comparing the proposed changes to mass punishment and emphasizing the need to address behavior rather than bar closing times. 
  • Mayor Buscher addresses Alderman Hanauer, followed by Mr. Craven discussing transparency and meetings with bar owners. 
  • Alderman Williams discusses the impact of 3:00 AM bar licenses and the need for community policing. 
  • Mayor Buscher calls for a vote on the motion, which passes with eight votes in favor and two against. 
June 18, 2024 Meeting

Springfield turned out to speak on the council's proposed changes to bar closing times. That was the only matter with debate at tonight's meeting. This reel features key points from most of the public speakers.

23mins of 2hr 24min meeting
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