In This Video
  • Disjointed discussion and meeting call to order. Presiding Officer Middleton calls the meeting to order, mentions the Mayor's absence, and leads a moment of silent meditation. 
  • Councilmember Baker reads the National Recovery Month proclamation. 
  • Presiding Officer Middleton makes an announcement on behalf of the Mayor about the Bull City Future Fund. 
  • Vote on the grant agreement with Legal Aid of North Carolina, followed by a motion to authorize the City Manager to make necessary changes to the grant agreement. 
  • Andy Lester from the Planning Department presents the staff report on the annexation request. 
  • Mr. Marlow, the applicant, joins virtually to provide additional context and answers to Councilmember Baker's questions. 
  • Mayor Pro Tem Middleton closes the public hearing and the council votes on the annexation and zoning changes for Woodlands Preserve Torridge Road. 
  • The public hearing for consolidated annexation Leigh Valley is opened. A report from staff is received, detailing the proposal and its history. 
  • Mr. Ghosh introduces himself and his team, and thanks Mr. Lester for the presentation. He begins discussing the history of the project and the alignment of the north-south Collector Road. 
  • Mr. Ghosh explains the influence of the previous light rail corridor on the thoroughfare plan and the challenges posed by the adopted alignment. 
  • Mr. Ghosh discusses the challenges of developing the property with the adopted alignment and the decision to rezone only a portion of the property. 
  • Mr. Ghosh describes the efforts to work with city staff and other property owners to achieve a new alignment for the Collector Road. 
  • Mr. Ghosh discusses the potential future development of the remaining parcels and the benefits of the new alignment for the overall project. 
  • Mr. Ghosh discusses the potential future development of the remaining parcels and the benefits of the new alignment for the overall project. 
  • Mr. Ghosh reflects on the long process of the project and the positive outcome of the realignment. He mentions the Planning Commission's recommendation for approval and additional commitments related to sustainability. 
  • Councilmember Cook expresses concerns about the lack of non-residential uses in the project. Mr. Ghosh acknowledges these concerns and explains that the comprehensive plan calls for mixed uses, but the current rezoning is a practical way to develop the property. 
  • Councilmember Baker appreciates the improvements made to the project and emphasizes the importance of transit-oriented design. He highlights the need for commitments to additional transit and commercial uses to align with the comprehensive plan. 
  • Mayor Pro Tem Middleton supports the project and cautions against setting unrealistic expectations for applicants. 
  • The applicant shares thoughts on the future of the adjacent areas they own. 
  • Council Member Caballero comments on the road configuration and the improvements made to the project. 
  • Mayor Pro Tem Middleton emphasizes the importance of incremental progress and the need to take wins where they come while pushing for systemic changes. 
  • Mayor Pro Tem Middleton declares the public hearing closed and entertains motions to adopt various ordinances and amendments. 
Durham City Council
September 3, 2024 Meeting

The council considers a significant annexation for a new development in southwest Durham.

20mins of 1hr 54min meeting

Original Meeting

YouTube Notes

Welcome to the Durham City Council meeting for Sept 3, 2024.

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