Durham County Board of Commissioners Highlights

The meeting included announcements of many upcoming events celebrating different parts of our community. There's also a celebration of a major sustainability grant. 16mins

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Original Meeting

Alex Rosen
Durham, North Carolina
As the Executive Director of See Gov, I focus on how to best achieve our mission of expanding thoughtful and consistent participation in democracy. I develop See Gov's technology, work to grow our impact, and find ways to sustain our nonprofit. I live in Durham, NC and make highlight reels for Durham and other See Gov pilot communities.
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In This Video
  • Meeting begins with reading the announcements published in the agenda, starting with the Durham County Board of Elections' new facility opening. 
  • The clerk continues with updates about the Board of Elections' new mobile application, Deco Votes. 
  • Vice Chair Burns announces the Entrepreneurship Versus Employment panel discussion and the Dementia Inclusive Community Forum. 
  • The community's input is requested on transportation plans. 
  • Announcement of the 49th Annual Centerfest and the Tri-county Pasture Field Day. 
  • Vice Chair Burns discusses the state budget issues and the impact of private school vouchers on Durham County. 
  • Commissioner Jacobs announces upcoming meetings for the revision of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). 
  • Vice Chair Burns introduces the recognition of a $1.5 million grant award for the Energy Burden and Emissions Reductions Program. 
  • Tobin Freed, the sustainability manager, explains the grant and its significance, and introduces Megan Pendell. 
  • Megan Pendell elaborates on the goals and implementation of the Energy Burden and Emissions Reduction Program. 
  • Megan Pendell and Tobin Freed respond to Commissioner Jacobs' questions, explaining the criteria for neighborhood selection and the focus on Justice 40 communities. 
  • Commissioner Howerton reads the proclamation for World Alzheimer's and Dementia Awareness, emphasizing the importance of support and awareness for those affected by dementia. 
  • Susan Sewell, a board member for Dementia Inclusive, Inc., thanks the commissioners and discusses the organization's efforts to build a supportive community for those with dementia. 
  • Trudy Harris-Adeeyo, a long-term resident of Durham, thanks the commissioners for their support and provides details about the upcoming Recovery Month celebration event. 
  • An unknown speaker provides an overview of the Chin Page Rd. Lift Station project, including its purpose, alternatives considered, and funding details. 
  • Commissioner Jacobs asks about the necessity of the public hearing, the total cost of the project, and the timeline. The unknown speaker provides details on the loan, cost estimates, and project timeline. 
  • Chair Allam concludes the meeting, noting no items were pulled from the consent agenda. The board moves to closed session to discuss personnel and economic development matters. 
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