In This Video
  • Sheila Fossett, Deputy CFO, speaks about MED Week activities and the importance of supporting minority businesses. 
  • Proclamation for Digital Inclusion Week is presented, highlighting efforts for digital equity in Durham. 
  • Frederick Raven, Patrice Carroll, and Marcella Engman discuss digital inclusion initiatives and partnerships in Durham. 
  • Mayor Williams discusses the impact of natural disasters in Western North Carolina, emphasizing the need for organized donations and the city's efforts to coordinate aid. 
  • Deputy City Manager Ferguson provides an update on the city's aid efforts in Western North Carolina, detailing contributions from the Department of Water Management. 
  • Deputy City Manager Ferguson continues with details on the Fire Department's involvement in search and rescue operations and support efforts. 
  • Deputy City Manager Ferguson explains the coordination of emergency management efforts and the importance of cash donations for disaster recovery. 
  • Introduction of item number 19, consolidated annexation of Parmer Edge. Aaron Cain presents a request for utility extension, voluntary annexation, and zoning map change for multiple parcels. Discussion includes zoning consistency and infrastructure. 
  • Public hearing opens. Patrick Biker presents on behalf of Parmer Edge, discussing the annexation and its benefits, including economic development and infrastructure improvements. 
  • Patrick Biker addresses Planning Commission comments and policy considerations, emphasizing the importance of the site for economic development and infrastructure. 
  • Mayor Pro Tem Middleton expresses support for the Parmer Edge project, citing its industrial use and infrastructure benefits. 
  • Councilmember Freeman requests more information from the City Attorney regarding zoning limitations and expresses a desire for additional details. 
  • Mayor Pro Tem Middleton shares his perspective on the annexation and zoning decision, emphasizing the need to vote on the application as presented. 
  • Councilmember Caballero questions the applicant about road easements and the impact on rural residential zoning. 
  • Mayor Williams calls for a motion to adopt the ordinance for annexation and rezoning, which passes with a vote of 5-2. 
  • Aaron Cain presents the request for a zoning map change for Duke University, detailing the parcels involved and the current zoning designations. 
  • Neil Ghosh, representing Duke University, begins his presentation, introducing Mr. Adem Gusa, Director of Planning and Design at Duke. 
  • Adem Gusa explains the benefits of University College zoning for holistic campus planning and the parcels Duke seeks to rezone. 
  • Neil Ghosh describes the scattered nature of the parcels and Duke's acquisition process, emphasizing the lack of specific plans for these parcels. 
  • Ghosh provides an example of a parcel at 300 Alexander, explaining the benefits of UC zoning for campus integration. 
  • Ghosh highlights the history and protections of the UC district, including the Transitional Use Area concept. 
  • Director Gusa introduces Duke's master planning principles, emphasizing pedestrian-friendly and environmentally sustainable campus design. 
  • Mayor Williams introduces Mimi Kessler, who advocates for Duke to provide workforce housing on the rezoned parcels. 
  • Neigh Ghosh responds to Kessler's comments, explaining the limitations of the UC zoning district regarding residential housing and Duke's interest in the UDO rewrite. 
  • Mayor Pro Tem Middleton supports the UC designation and commends Duke's contributions to housing, emphasizing the importance of planning. 
  • Council Member Baker reflects on the intertwined destinies of Duke and Durham, advocating for planning before zoning. 
  • Councilmember Cook appreciates the presentation and expresses concerns about community trust and timing of zoning decisions. 
  • Councilmember Freeman responds to Mayor Pro Tem Middleton, explaining her rationale for requesting a continuance to gather more information from the applicant. 
  • Mayor Williams calls for order and moves to adopt an ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance, which passes with a vote of 5 to 2. 
  • Mayor Williams adjourns the meeting. 
October 7, 2024 Meeting

Plans for a major parcel in RTP are debated. Duke University requests rezoning of a number of properties near downtown.

32mins of 3hr 47min meeting
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Original Meeting

YouTube Notes

Welcome to the Durham City Council meeting for Oct 7, 2024.

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