In This Video
  • Mayor Buscher introduces ordinance 2024-425 regarding a coal purchase agreement, and Alderman McGregory mentions a speaker might be signed up. 
  • Miss Loeb raises concerns about the coal purchase, highlighting environmental impacts and advocating for renewable energy. 
  • Alderman Williams raises concerns about shelter for the homeless as winter approaches, discussing the need for a plan with Mayor Buscher. 
  • Minister Gary Pierce details his past efforts to partner with local organizations and his desire to be grandfathered in for funding opportunities. 
  • Ken Pasia highlights racial disparities in policing and wealth, urging the council to consider systemic racism's impact on the community. 
  • Sunshine Clemens criticizes the council's funding disparities and the treatment of Dr. Lisa Johnson, urging for equitable support for East Side organizations. 
  • Sunshine Clemens thanks the council members who stayed for public comment, highlighting the importance of listening to the community. 
  • Dr. Lisa Johnson addresses the council, acknowledging the impact of her previous speech and the reactions it caused, while emphasizing the need for accountability and understanding of trauma. 
  • James Cockrel, a Springfield resident, shares his experiences with the police and raises concerns about the growing unhoused encampment at 5th and North Grand. He also defends Alderman Purchase and calls for community collaboration to solve local issues. 
Springfield City Council Highlights

As the weather in Springfield turns cold, citizens worry about the lack of a plan for the homeless people who are not candidates for our shelters due to issues like drugs, or criminal activities. 6mins

Original Meeting

jeff schneider
Springfield, IL
Getting it done.
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