CWLP Compliance Issues Continue to Raise Concerns

The council approves an ordinance to prep for Route 66's centennial, while public comments highlight CWLP's environmental compliance failures and transparency concerns. Updates on Bally Vaughn Apartments' asbestos issues and safety hazards are also discussed. 9mins

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Original Meeting

Alex Rosen
Durham, North Carolina
As the Executive Director of See Gov, I focus on how to best achieve our mission of expanding thoughtful and consistent participation in democracy. I develop See Gov's technology, work to grow our impact, and find ways to sustain our nonprofit. I live in Durham, NC and make highlight reels for Durham and other See Gov pilot communities.
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In This Video
  • Discussion on an ordinance for an intergovernmental agreement to revitalize old Route 66 for its 100th anniversary. The ordinance is passed for emergency passage. 
  • Alderwoman Purchase thanks the city for supporting the 'Taste of Black Springfield' event, highlighting its success and community turnout. 
  • Alderwoman Conley requests an update on the Bally Vaughn Apartments situation, focusing on asbestos violations and neighborhood concerns. 
  • Alderman Hanauer raises concerns about hazardous trees near the Bally Vaughn Apartments, and Alderman Gregory discusses issues with illegal dumping and trash. 
  • Brandon Derman, representing the Coalition for Springfield's Utility Future, begins his address about CWLP's environmental compliance issues, focusing on the violations and the need for stronger oversight. 
  • Brandon Durman provides specific examples of CWLP's compliance failures, including issues with monitoring wells and groundwater contamination, and stresses the potential financial and health risks. 
  • Brandon Derman discusses the technical challenges and requirements outlined in the consent decree, urging the council to ensure CWLP's compliance to avoid future costs and risks. 
  • Anne Logue raises concerns about CWLP's transparency, suggesting that the utility sometimes provides a diluted version of events to avoid criticism. 
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