Durham Public Schools Board of Education Highlights

The board heard a number of public comments opposing the plan to move Durham School of the Arts, but most of the public portion of the meeting was focused on welcoming the new Superintendent and his entry plan. 21mins

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#DPSCommunity | DPS Board of Education Monthly Meeting | 8/22/24

Alex Rosen
Durham, North Carolina
As the Executive Director of See Gov, I focus on how to best achieve our mission of expanding thoughtful and consistent participation in democracy. I develop See Gov's technology, work to grow our impact, and find ways to sustain our nonprofit. I live in Durham, NC and make highlight reels for Durham and other See Gov pilot communities.
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In This Video
  • Director Parrott introduces the students who scored a perfect 36 on the ACT, mentioning those who could not attend and celebrating those present. 
  • New Superintendent, Dr. Anthony Lewis begins his update, expressing gratitude and sharing his experiences since starting his role. 
  • Superintendent Lewis discusses his meetings with community members and partnerships with local institutions. He emphasizes the importance of collaboration and thanks the county commissioners for their support. 
  • Superintendent Lewis talks about the media's role in telling the district's story and his official swearing-in ceremony. He expresses his commitment to the district and its mission. 
  • Superintendent Lewis discusses the importance of nutrition for academic success and the district's free breakfast and lunch program. He also highlights the District Growing Together program and its focus on STEM and critical thinking skills. 
  • Superintendent Lewis discusses the transportation hotline and the importance of ensuring students arrive at school safely. He asks for patience from families as the new school year begins. 
  • Superintendent Lewis introduces the Love the Bus 100 program to recruit and train new bus drivers. He highlights the importance of community involvement in supporting students. 
  • Superintendent Lewis talks about a day of professional development for instructional leaders and the opening of the new Murray Massenburg Elementary School. He thanks the community for their warm welcome. 
  • John Hodges Koppel from Durham for DSA discusses the financial implications of building a new DSA campus versus renovating existing schools. 
  • Jocelyn McGee advocates for naming a DPS building after former Mayor and County Commissioner William B. Bell, highlighting his contributions to equity in the school system. 
  • Anne Van Holly cedes her time to Matt Kopac, who discusses the broader implications of school development and the need for better community engagement. 
  • Millie Rosen cedes her time to Christy Clem, who hands off to Micah Hunter Tweetmeyer, the DAE President, advocating for formal union recognition and equitable pay. 
  • Daniel Kemp continues the discussion on budget transparency and the need for clear compensation plans for classified employees. 
  • Elin Jasonowski cedes her time to Katie McDonald, who discusses the challenges faced by the new Montessori school and the lack of support from the district. 
  • Bob Chapman criticizes the choice of Duke Homestead for a new school location, citing poor walkability and providing data on successful urban schools. 
  • Superintendent Lewis begins presenting his 100-day entry plan, focusing on listening, learning, and leading. He outlines the purpose of the plan and his approach to understanding Durham Public Schools. 
  • Superintendent Lewis emphasizes the importance of listening and learning from the community, staff, and students. He mentions the district's strategic plan and the potential for adjustments based on his findings. 
  • Superintendent Lewis outlines the goals and action steps of his entry plan, emphasizing alignment with the district's mission, vision, and core values. 
  • Superintendent Lewis discusses the importance of community partnerships and the role they play in supporting students. He mentions his five entry plan goals and 27 action steps. 
  • Superintendent Lewis details his first goal: establishing a transparent, collaborative, and trusting relationship with the Durham Public Schools Board of Education. 
  • Superintendent Lewis discusses his second goal: focusing on the instructional program to close access and opportunity gaps, particularly in the lowest-performing schools. 
  • Superintendent Lewis outlines his third goal: enhancing organizational effectiveness and efficiency by providing robust support and services to schools, students, families, and school communities. 
  • Superintendent Lewis presents his fourth goal: identifying and analyzing critical issues to remove barriers and seize opportunities for accelerating student performance. 
  • Superintendent Lewis introduces his fifth goal: creating opportunities to listen to the broader community and engage a wide range of stakeholders to build trust and understand the district comprehensively. 
  • Superintendent Lewis responds to the board's appreciation, highlighting the importance of data-driven decisions and balancing listening with urgency. Board Member Chávez expresses excitement about the plan and appreciation for attention to EC and LGBTQ students. 
  • Chair Rogers adjourns the meeting. 
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