In This Video
  • Councilmember Rist shares a personal story about his father's immigration journey and reads the Welcoming Week proclamation. 
  • Jenny Bell reads the National Adult Literacy Week proclamation and invites Lizzie Ellis Furlong from the Durham Literacy Center to join her. 
  • Lizzie Ellis Furlong from the Durham Literacy Center speaks about the importance of literacy and the work being done to support adults in improving their literacy skills. 
  • Mayor Pro Tem Middleton reads the World Alzheimer's and Dementia Awareness Day proclamation and shares a personal story about his mother's battle with dementia. 
  • Susan Sewell from Dementia Inclusive, Inc. speaks about the organization's efforts to build a supportive community for those living with dementia and their care partners. 
  • Mayor Williams reads a proclamation about National Night Out, highlighting its significance and the community's involvement. 
  • Police Chief Andrews thanks the Mayor and Council for the National Night Out proclamation and emphasizes the importance of community engagement. 
  • Jamie Schwedler discusses the reduction in units to comply with the new tree ordinance and the retention of income-restricted units. 
  • Jamie Schwedler highlights the benefits of the proposed multifamily development, including its location near RTP and RDU, and the provision of structured parking. 
  • Jamie Schwedler describes the site's proximity to key infrastructure and amenities, and its consistency with the place type map and circulation guidance. 
  • Jamie Schwedler elaborates on the benefits of the proposed development, including income-restricted units, tree protection, stormwater management, and green building commitments. She concludes by highlighting the support from the Planning Commission and local residents. 
  • Councilmember Cook questions the income restriction and affordability of the units. Jamie Schwedler explains the challenges faced due to the tree protection ordinance and the loss of units, making it difficult to increase the percentage or duration of affordable units. 
  • Councilmember Cook pushes back on the justification for not increasing affordability. Jamie Schwedler acknowledges the point but highlights the changes in construction costs and market conditions over the two years. 
  • Councilmember Freeman continues to discuss the development, mentioning the 10-foot trail for pedestrians and bicyclists, site constraints, and green development commitments. 
  • Mayor Williams thanks Councilmember Freeman and Councilmember Freeman asks a question about the impact of new developments on schools. 
  • Aaron Kane from the planning staff responds to Councilmember Freeman's question about school capacity and transportation for school-aged children. 
  • Councilmember Freeman asks about the cost per student added to Durham Public Schools. Aaron Kane provides the cost estimates. 
  • Councilmember Freeman discusses the importance of community benefits and the financial impact of new developments on the city and schools. 
  • Councilmember Rist echoes Councilmember Freeman's comments and discusses the challenges and benefits of the proposed development, including affordable housing and connectivity issues. 
  • Councilmember Caballero expresses support for the project, acknowledging the challenges faced by the applicant due to shifting ordinances. 
  • Jamie Schwedler responds to the request for a donation to Durham Public Schools, offering a $50,000 donation. 
  • Mayor Pro Tem Middleton moves to adopt the ordinance, Councilmember Rist seconds, and the motion passes with Councilmember Freeman voting no. 
  • Tisha Wymore, speaking on behalf of the applicant Albert Fontenelle, explains the project and addresses concerns from the Planning Commission. 
  • Councilmember Cook asks Tisha Wymore for clarification on the Planning Commission's concerns and Mr. Fontenelle's commitment to the number of units. 
  • Aaron Cain clarifies that there is no development plan associated with the rezoning request, and any commitments would require a development plan and additional fees. 
  • Councilmember Caballero asks staff about the current zoning and the implications of the general rezoning, including costs and potential development. 
  • Mayor Pro Tem Middleton questions Mr. Fontenelle about his background and expresses support for the rezoning, emphasizing the benefits of increased density. 
  • Mayor Williams and the council proceed with motions to adopt the ordinance annexing Hurley Rd. and amending the Unified Development Ordinance, all of which pass unanimously. 
  • Aaron Kane presents a request for a utility extension agreement, voluntary annexation, and initial zoning map change for Farrington Rd. multifamily development. 
  • Neil Ghosh, representing the developer, discusses the project's community engagement and the commitments made to address community concerns. 
  • Neil Ghosh addresses the Planning Commission's concerns about affordable housing, traffic, and tree coverage, and explains the measures taken to address these issues. 
  • Neil Ghosh elaborates on the project's design, including traffic calming measures, tree preservation, and the gradual transition in building heights. 
  • Neil Ghosh highlights the project's density, diversity, and design, emphasizing the range of housing options and the affordable housing commitment. 
  • Councilmember Baker asks Neil Ghosh about green building commitments and school donations. Ghosh confirms commitments to EV parking spaces, green building certification, and a donation to Durham Public Schools. 
  • Mayor Williams moves to adopt an ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance. The motion passes unanimously. 
  • Mayor Williams closes the meeting with a note about Bill Nye's visit and his Durham roots. 
September 16, 2024 Meeting

Durham is growing. The council considers several annexation requests to bring more housing to the community.

33mins of 3hr 19min meeting
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Original Meeting

YouTube Notes

Call to Order

Moment of Silent Meditation

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Ceremonial Item - Welcoming Week 2024 Proclamation

Ceremonial Item - National Night Out 2024 Proclamation

Ceremonial Item - World Alzheimer’s and Dementia Awareness Day Proclamation

Ceremonial Item - National Adult Education and Family Week Proclamation

Announcements by Council

Priority Items by the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk

Consent Agenda (one vote for items 1 - 22)

General Business Agenda - Public Hearings

27. Consolidated Item – Lyons Farm Elementary School Major Special Use Permit, Transportation Special Use Permit, and Major Site Plan Amendment

28. Consolidated Annexation – 5802 South Miami Boulevard Multi-family

29. Consolidated Annexation – Hurley Road

30. Consolidated Annexation – Farrington Road Multifamily

31. U.S. Department of Transportation - Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program Grant Offer 3-37-0056-071-2024

Other Matters


Welcome to the Durham City Council meeting for Sept 16, 2024.

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